Please send coat hangers to Ireland

“Let’s lighten things up and talk about abortion.” It is illegal to abort a child in Ireland. For the life of me I cannot understand why that is. The fact is that I have met a lot of people that should have been terminated while in the womb.


To give you an example of what I mean. Last week I was riding the bus. Two chave kids, twelve or so entered the bus and immediately started to provoke the people on the bus.  A chave is a non-educated delinquent who roams the street of every suburb in Ireland and Britain. They are quite easily separated from the rest of the population by their choice of clothing (tracksuits), haircut (broad Mohawk) and demeanour (aggressive and irritating). Think football hooligan and you get the idea. Now the miniaturized brats that entered the bus were just as annoying that you can imagine.


“Get out of that fucking seat you fucking pig!” One of the kids said to a guy sitting at the back of the bus.


Then one of the little shits saw me and made an advance for my hat. I pushed away his hand and told him to fuck of. His respond was to call me an asshole and urged me to give him my paddy hat. His face showing signs of anger and chromosomal dismay. I asked him if he was mentally challenged. He said:


“Yes, what are you gonna do about it?”


This is what I wanted to answer:


“Nothing that your father hasn’t already done to you and your sister.”


I did not say that. Instead I waited for him to loose interest, which he did.


This little episode reconfirms a hypothesis that I have had for a long time. Some people should not have kids, in fact they should be nuttered. If the parental units of this little brat could not bring him up to become an individual who respects his fellow man then maybe they should not have had children at all. This also gives me another reason to say something that I have said before: abortions should be legalised in Ireland.


But before that happens there is one thing that Ireland is in desperate need for: coat hangers.


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