Eggs and the upsides of the downside


The egg, a commonly used staple food is providing people all over the world with essential nutrition.  How the egg should be prepared has few limitations (of which imagination perhaps is the greatest), but one of the most common way to prepare an egg is to boil it. Although a large quantity of boiled eggs is consumed on a daily basis, we often neglect to reflect over the fashion we chose to consume this versatile foodstuff. I would like to give some insight to the matter of how the peeling of an egg should be conducted.


The pointy side of the egg is often given unjust favor in this boiling hot issue. This is perhaps due to force of habit, cultural influences or the fact that you just have not given it any consideration. There are several reasons as to why this discrimination towards the rounded side of the egg must end.  This is due to the anatomy of the egg, just as the shell of an egg possess a pointy and a round side it also has a strong and a weak side.  Thus it is only natural to strive towards using the least possible effort to crack the egg open, and the weakest end is of course the rounded end. However, the advantages of eating an egg from the rounded side does not end here, storing and eating the egg from the rounded side will increase the flavor of the egg. This is due to an air pocket close to the rounded side of the

egg. If an egg is placed with the pointy side up, the air bubble will push upwards disturbing the yolk and the albumen (egg white) making the egg less moisture and a less enjoyable meal.


Supporters of the pointy end might claim that the journey the knife has to take to separate the top from the bottom is shorter when cutting the pointy end. However, what they fail to take into consideration is that surface of the rounded part of the egg is far more flat than the pointy end giving the knife more effect upon impact.


I would like to round off with the suggestion that you try eating your next from the rounded side since it will be both an easier and a tastier eggsperience at the breakfast table.


This entry wass given to you in cooperation with my good friend Adam

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