On my way to Scotland

I am sitting in Dublin Airport, on my way to Dundee Scotland to spend a weekend with Rebecka, one of my closest friends. So far the trip has gone well. I left the safe confinement of my apartment at 6 am, took a taxi to the bus station and a bus to Dublin.

It was kinda hard going to sleep since sniffels, the beep-beep-beeping of cell phone keys being pressed and the singing of the bus driver irritated me. But I managed.

The only episode mentioning when it comes to the bus trip was that about ten minutes into the bus ride the driver suddenly and forcefully hit the brakes. The reason for the sudden halt was the horse that was running around on the freeway.

The bus did not hit the horse. But the episode gave the guy in the seat behind me an excuse to start a conversation with the woman across from him. He asked her what music she had one her mobile and was shocked that she apparently did not have any RNB on it.

Anyway we arrived at Dublin and now I am on the airport waiting for the gate to open. There is a group of drunk semi-fat girls singing Going to the chapel. I think one of them is getting married. Classy. Nothing says marriage as being drunk as a skunk.


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