An open letter the people that bother me on Facebook


Dear Aquiantence,


It has been a long time since we met. To be perfectly honest I cannot recall how your voice sounds or if I even liked you when we talked. I keep you as a “friend” on Facebook since I am too lazy to remove you. Basically, you are an artefact of days gone by, one of the scalps I build my mountain of success upon.


Having said that, why do you think I would help you getting a “Choco-Cow” in Farmville, kill some punks for you in Mafia Wars or help you zombifie people?


I have better ways to waste my time than to dick around on Facebook playing mind numbing games. So please stop sending me these invites or pleads for help.



While on the subject of people bothering you on the social network. Why do people think that I like that they tag me on pictures of commercial social event posters, on different cartoon pictures where I am described as “the aggressive one” or on pictures where I drink?


I, mean, I am not even interested of the fact that you have become a parent, been fired from your job or that you ate water melon yesterday. That you keep bothering me with 50 word status updates of your trip to the mall annoys the shit out of me.


It is not that I do not like you. In fact I am almost indifferent to your very existence. So please, the people on Facebook, stop bothering me.


Having said that I hope that you are well and do not wish you any harm.


Your Facebook pal,


The Asshole


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